Central Ridge Baseball League

Stats (Leaders)

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 55.800000000000004 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Brian Dietz
1. Brian Dietz 6
2. Nic Balega 6
3. Tim Munn 6
4. Alex Duane 5
5. Ryan Pribnow 5
Intentional Bases on Balls (Walks) IBB
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Raul Varela
1. Raul Varela
2. Nic Balega
3. Jacob Mitchell
4. Brian Dietz
5. Jake Saari
Triple Plays Hit Into TP
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Raul Varela
1. Raul Varela 0
2. Nic Balega 0
3. Jacob Mitchell 0
4. Brian Dietz 0
5. Jake Saari 0
Catcher's Interference CI
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Raul Varela
1. Raul Varela 0
2. Nic Balega 0
3. Jacob Mitchell 0
4. Brian Dietz 0
5. Jake Saari 0
Batting Average AVG
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane .431
On-Base Percentage OBP
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane .471
Slugging Percentage SLG
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane .585
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane 1.056
Plate Appearances PA
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane 70
2. Erik Olson 55
3. Jake Saari 54
4. Jordy Ildvald 54
5. Jacob Mitchell 53
Total Bases TB
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane 38
2. Jake Saari 32
3. Tim Munn 27
4. Erik Olson 25
5. Brian Dietz 21
Times on Base TOB
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane 35
2. Erik Olson 28
3. Jordy Ildvald 26
4. Brian Dietz 25
5. Tim Munn 23
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane 7.1
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane 0.45
Run Scoring Percentage RS%
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane 40.0
Note: A minimum of 8 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Innings Pitched IP
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Brian McGill
1. Brian McGill 37.2
2. Payton Brown 25.1
3. Alex Duane 24.2
4. Casey Carlson 22.2
5. Nic Balega 18.0
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Alex Duane
1. Alex Duane 24
2. Casey Carlson 15
3. Brian McGill 15
4. Payton Brown 12
5. Nic Balega 12
At Bats - official at bats AB
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Brian McGill
1. Brian McGill 106
2. Payton Brown 102
3. Casey Carlson 91
4. Alex Duane 55
5. Nic Balega 37
Earned Run Average ERA
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Nic Balega
1. Nic Balega 3.50
2. Erik Olson 3.94
3. Brian McGill 5.02
4. Tim Munn 5.28
5. Casey Carlson 6.35
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Erik Olson
1. Erik Olson 1.38
2. Nic Balega 1.56
3. Brian McGill 1.62
4. Tim Munn 2.09
5. Casey Carlson 2.12
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Brian McGill
1. Brian McGill 181
2. Alex Duane 139
3. Payton Brown 129
4. Casey Carlson 113
5. Nic Balega 83
Win-Loss Percentage W-L%
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Brian McGill
1. Brian McGill 1.000
2. Nic Balega 1.000
3. Erik Olson 1.000
4. Alex Duane .500
5. Casey Carlson .500
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Erik Olson
1. Erik Olson 7.31
2. Nic Balega 8.00
3. Brian McGill 10.99
4. Tim Munn 12.91
5. Casey Carlson 13.10
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Brian McGill
1. Brian McGill 3.58
2. Payton Brown 4.26
3. Erik Olson 5.06
4. Tim Munn 5.87
5. Casey Carlson 5.96
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Nic Balega
1. Nic Balega 12.50
2. Alex Duane 11.68
3. Erik Olson 9.00
4. Tim Munn 7.63
5. Payton Brown 7.46
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Nic Balega
1. Nic Balega 2.08
2. Brian McGill 1.87
3. Erik Olson 1.78
4. Payton Brown 1.75
5. Alex Duane 1.33
Batting Average Against BAA
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Erik Olson
1. Erik Olson .361
2. Casey Carlson .363
3. Nic Balega .432
4. Brian McGill .434
5. Payton Brown .441
Note: A minimum of 19 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
Small b4421641 7315 4d09 bf12 b957f16dc592
Erik Olson
1. Erik Olson 1.000
2. Jaylen Schweiger 1.000
3. Jacob Mitchell 1.000
4. Brian Dietz 1.000
5. Jordan Schlueter 1.000