Central Ridge Baseball League

Stats (Leaders)

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 60 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Greg Holker
1. Greg Holker 3
2. Joe Tupy 2
3. Aaron Hanson 2
4. Keenan Macek 2
5. Tanner Eckhart 1
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Greg Holker
1. Greg Holker 25
2. Brayden Hanson 23
3. Aaron Hanson 22
4. Keenan Macek 19
5. Michael Olson 17
Intentional Bases on Balls (Walks) IBB
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Brayden Hanson
1. Brayden Hanson 1
2. Nick Zwack
3. Joe Tupy 0
4. Jack Seibert 0
5. Michael Olson 0
Batting Average AVG
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Aaron Hanson
1. Aaron Hanson .407
2. Michael Olson .361
3. Keenan Macek .323
4. Greg Holker .321
5. Tanner Eckhart .305
On-Base Percentage OBP
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Aaron Hanson
1. Aaron Hanson .553
2. Michael Olson .429
3. Greg Holker .425
4. Keenan Macek .391
5. Joe Tupy .389
Slugging Percentage SLG
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Michael Olson
1. Michael Olson .622
2. Aaron Hanson .535
3. Keenan Macek .491
4. Greg Holker .450
5. Tanner Eckhart .382
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Aaron Hanson
1. Aaron Hanson 1.088
2. Michael Olson 1.051
3. Keenan Macek .882
4. Greg Holker .875
5. Tanner Eckhart .738
Plate Appearances PA
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Michael Olson
1. Michael Olson 261
2. Keenan Macek 194
3. Brayden Hanson 191
4. Michael Revenig 187
5. Joe Tupy 182
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Aaron Hanson
1. Aaron Hanson 20.4
2. Greg Holker 16.0
3. Evan Demars 15.5
4. Brayden Hanson 12.5
5. Gabe Affeldt 11.5
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Greg Holker
1. Greg Holker 1.56
2. Aaron Hanson 1.10
3. Joe Tupy 1.00
4. Brayden Hanson 0.64
5. Michael Revenig 0.57
Run Scoring Percentage RS%
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Michael Olson
1. Michael Olson 45.3
2. Hunter Kisner 43.5
3. Wyatt Morrell 43.3
4. Gabe Affeldt 42.9
5. Greg Holker 38.5
Note: A minimum of 30 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Innings Pitched IP
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Michael Revenig
1. Michael Revenig 105.2
2. Tanner Eckhart 85.2
3. Wyatt Morrell 74.2
4. Joe Tupy 38.0
5. Andrew Manning 38.0
At Bats - official at bats AB
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Wyatt Morrell
1. Wyatt Morrell 188
2. Michael Revenig 110
3. Tanner Eckhart 99
4. Andrew Manning 93
5. Brayden Hanson 70
Earned Run Average ERA
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Tanner Eckhart
1. Tanner Eckhart 1.58
2. Andrew Manning 2.37
3. Wyatt Morrell 3.86
4. Michael Revenig 4.68
5. Joe Tupy 5.21
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Tanner Eckhart
1. Tanner Eckhart 1.19
2. Wyatt Morrell 1.23
3. Michael Revenig 1.39
4. Andrew Manning 1.39
5. Hunter Kisner 1.51
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Michael Revenig
1. Michael Revenig 492
2. Tanner Eckhart 363
3. Wyatt Morrell 333
4. Andrew Manning 181
5. Joe Tupy 174
Win-Loss Percentage W-L%
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Joe Tupy
1. Joe Tupy 1.000
2. Tanner Eckhart .833
3. Andrew Manning .667
4. Michael Revenig .643
5. Wyatt Morrell .545
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Andrew Manning
1. Andrew Manning 4.50
2. Michael Revenig 8.09
3. Tanner Eckhart 8.09
4. Hunter Kisner 8.39
5. Joe Tupy 9.47
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Wyatt Morrell
1. Wyatt Morrell 1.45
2. Tanner Eckhart 2.63
3. Michael Revenig 4.43
4. Joe Tupy 4.74
5. Hunter Kisner 5.24
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Tanner Eckhart
1. Tanner Eckhart 13.13
2. Andrew Manning 8.29
3. Michael Revenig 7.24
4. Hunter Kisner 6.82
5. Wyatt Morrell 4.34
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Tanner Eckhart
1. Tanner Eckhart 5.00
2. Wyatt Morrell 3.00
3. Michael Revenig 1.63
4. Hunter Kisner 1.30
5. Andrew Manning 1.03
Batting Average Against BAA
Note: A minimum of 100 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Greg Holker
1. Greg Holker .991
2. Aaron Hanson .989
3. Tanner Eckhart .977
4. Michael Olson .964
5. Michael Revenig .952