Central Ridge Baseball League

Playoffs Stats (Leaders)

All | Regular Season | Playoffs
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Note: A minimum of 6.2 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Batting Average AVG
Tiny 5e211776 bcb4 4dcb a6fc e06ea424996e
Joe Rathmanner
1. Joe Rathmanner .286
2. Brian Larson .167
3. Dustin Wilcox .143
4. Sam Dokkebakken .125
On-Base Percentage OBP
Tiny 5e211776 bcb4 4dcb a6fc e06ea424996e
Joe Rathmanner
1. Joe Rathmanner .375
2. Brian Larson .286
3. Dustin Wilcox .250
4. Sam Dokkebakken .125
Slugging Percentage SLG
Tiny 19ce13ce 2b13 4826 bcff 8cbe44d926ba
Brian Larson
1. Brian Larson .667
2. Joe Rathmanner .286
3. Dustin Wilcox .143
4. Sam Dokkebakken .125
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Tiny 19ce13ce 2b13 4826 bcff 8cbe44d926ba
Brian Larson
1. Brian Larson .952
2. Joe Rathmanner .661
3. Dustin Wilcox .393
4. Sam Dokkebakken .250
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
Tiny 19ce13ce 2b13 4826 bcff 8cbe44d926ba
Brian Larson
1. Brian Larson 14.3
2. Dustin Wilcox 12.5
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
Tiny d58716af 3aff 443e bc32 282c40dab4a4
Dustin Wilcox
1. Dustin Wilcox 1.00
2. Brian Larson 0.50
Run Scoring Percentage RS%
Tiny 4150aeb7 c98a 44a1 a6f1 428e7acb172f
Sam Dokkebakken
1. Sam Dokkebakken 100.0
2. Brian Larson 50.0
Note: A minimum of 2 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
At Bats - official at bats AB
Tiny 602dae8b ca5b 4c44 85ff 89c1a4e8dbb5
Kyle Knaeble
1. Kyle Knaeble 29
2. Mason Miller 21
3. Taylor Giving 20
4. Aaron Kloeppner 6
Earned Run Average ERA
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Tiny a2088b5c 3fdd 430f a70f b3b66012784d
Mason Miller
1. Mason Miller 0.88
2. Taylor Giving 1.31
3. Kyle Knaeble 1.50
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
Tiny 602dae8b ca5b 4c44 85ff 89c1a4e8dbb5
Kyle Knaeble
1. Kyle Knaeble 32
2. Taylor Giving 26
3. Mason Miller 23
4. Aaron Kloeppner 6
Win-Loss Percentage W-L%
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Tiny 92a22731 e47d 414a abf7 00f284cfea16
Taylor Giving
1. Taylor Giving 5.06
2. Mason Miller 6.35
3. Kyle Knaeble 10.50
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Tiny a2088b5c 3fdd 430f a70f b3b66012784d
Mason Miller
1. Mason Miller 1.59
2. Kyle Knaeble 3.00
3. Taylor Giving 6.75
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Tiny a2088b5c 3fdd 430f a70f b3b66012784d
Mason Miller
1. Mason Miller 9.53
2. Taylor Giving 3.38
3. Kyle Knaeble 3.00
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Tiny a2088b5c 3fdd 430f a70f b3b66012784d
Mason Miller
1. Mason Miller 6.00
2. Kyle Knaeble 1.00
3. Taylor Giving 0.50
Batting Average Against BAA
Tiny 92a22731 e47d 414a abf7 00f284cfea16
Taylor Giving
1. Taylor Giving .150
2. Mason Miller .190
3. Kyle Knaeble .241
Note: A minimum of 2 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
Tiny 16ced993 16ec 4b6e ac36 9d40cc73e1db
Aaron Kloeppner
1. Aaron Kloeppner 1.000
2. Luke Atwood 1.000
3. Tony Rathmanner 1.000
4. Dustin Wilcox .947
5. Chance Halligan .875