Central Ridge Baseball League

Stats (Leaders)

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Note: A minimum of 60 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
On-Base Percentage OBP
Tiny d58716af 3aff 443e bc32 282c40dab4a4
Dustin Wilcox
1. Dustin Wilcox, BLYJ .504
2. Tyler Bjork, RGSD .481
3. Sam Dokkebakken, BLYJ .467
4. Bryan McCallum, RGSD .455
5. Greg Holker, MNTC .426
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
Tiny d58716af 3aff 443e bc32 282c40dab4a4
Dustin Wilcox
1. Dustin Wilcox, BLYJ 1.098
2. Tony Rathmanner, BLYJ 1.005
3. Michael Olson, MNTC .989
4. Bryan McCallum, RGSD .986
5. Brandon Holthaus, BLYJ .967
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
Small img 3193
Tyler Bjork
1. Tyler Bjork, RGSD 28.2
2. Bryan McCallum, RGSD 19.9
3. Sam Dokkebakken, BLYJ 17.3
4. Joe Rathmanner, BLYJ 16.1
5. Dustin Wilcox, BLYJ 15.1
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
Small img 3193
Bryan McCallum
1. Bryan McCallum, RGSD 2.00
2. Greg Holker, MNTC 1.38
3. Chance Halligan, BLYJ 1.31
4. Tyler Bjork, RGSD 1.29
5. Sam Dokkebakken, BLYJ 1.20
Run Scoring Percentage RS%
Tiny 73bf7e72 f2bb 48da a1cd 26ffeeb920eb
Tony Rathmanner
1. Tony Rathmanner, BLYJ 54.3
2. Michael Olson, MNTC 47.8
3. Luke Atwood, BLYJ 46.7
4. Ryan Davidson, RGSD 45.2
5. Wyatt Morrell, MNTC 44.0
Note: A minimum of 30 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
At Bats - official at bats AB
Tiny 92a22731 e47d 414a abf7 00f284cfea16
Taylor Giving
1. Taylor Giving, BLYJ 202
2. Wyatt Morrell, MNTC 129
3. Mason Miller, BLYJ 88
4. Kyle Knaeble, BLYJ 86
5. Andrew Manning, MNTC 69
Earned Run Average ERA
Tiny 92a22731 e47d 414a abf7 00f284cfea16
Taylor Giving
1. Taylor Giving, BLYJ 1.21
2. Mason Miller, BLYJ 1.91
3. Kyle Knaeble, BLYJ 1.93
4. Tanner Eckhart, MNTC 2.14
5. Wyatt Morrell, MNTC 3.92
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Tiny a2088b5c 3fdd 430f a70f b3b66012784d
Mason Miller
1. Mason Miller, BLYJ 0.96
2. Taylor Giving, BLYJ 1.12
3. Kyle Knaeble, BLYJ 1.19
4. Tanner Eckhart, MNTC 1.24
5. Wyatt Morrell, MNTC 1.24
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
Tiny 92a22731 e47d 414a abf7 00f284cfea16
Taylor Giving
1. Taylor Giving, BLYJ 390
2. Mason Miller, BLYJ 342
3. Michael Revenig, MNTC 318
4. Luke Selken, RGSD 316
5. Wyatt Morrell, MNTC 270
Win-Loss Percentage W-L%
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Joe Tupy
1. Joe Tupy, MNTC 1.000
2. Tanner Eckhart, MNTC .833
3. Taylor Giving, BLYJ .750
4. Kyle Knaeble, BLYJ .667
5. Mason Miller, BLYJ .600
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Tiny a2088b5c 3fdd 430f a70f b3b66012784d
Mason Miller
1. Mason Miller, BLYJ 6.56
2. Kyle Knaeble, BLYJ 6.89
3. Tanner Eckhart, MNTC 7.29
4. Taylor Giving, BLYJ 7.66
5. Hunter Kisner, MNTC 8.39
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Wyatt Morrell
1. Wyatt Morrell, MNTC 1.21
2. Mason Miller, BLYJ 2.12
3. Taylor Giving, BLYJ 2.42
4. Luke Welle, RGSD 2.78
5. Bryan McCallum, RGSD 3.31
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
Small 8cc89118 58b4 42bd a0cc a4fccf7a1b62
Tanner Eckhart
1. Tanner Eckhart, MNTC 14.79
2. Luke Selken, RGSD 10.95
3. Bryan McCallum, RGSD 8.63
4. Mason Miller, BLYJ 8.58
5. Kyle Knaeble, BLYJ 7.99
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
Tiny a2088b5c 3fdd 430f a70f b3b66012784d
Mason Miller
1. Mason Miller, BLYJ 4.05
2. Tanner Eckhart, MNTC 3.83
3. Wyatt Morrell, MNTC 3.12
4. Bryan McCallum, RGSD 2.61
5. Taylor Giving, BLYJ 2.12
Batting Average Against BAA
Note: A minimum of 100 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
Tiny e0624b8a 249d 4256 adcb e2b7b998409d
Luke Atwood
1. Luke Atwood, BLYJ .990
2. Greg Holker, MNTC .989
3. Bryan McCallum, RGSD .980
4. Tanner Eckhart, MNTC .973
5. Dustin Wilcox, BLYJ .972