Central Ridge Baseball League

Recap for the 06/19/2010 game - Hamel Hawks @ Big Lake Yellow Jackets

Preview Box Score Recap
Big Lake Yellow Jackets 8, Hamel Hawks 6

The Big Lake White Caps pounded out 17 hits, which included 5 doubles and a triple, but had to come back to win 8 ’ 6 against Hamel on Saturday, June 19th. Five errors and three pass balls gave Hamel 4 unearned runs and found themselves leading the White Caps 6 ’ 5 after batting in the top of the seventh.  However, in the bottom of the seventh, the White Caps would regain the lead, when Sam Krick hit the first pitch for a triple with bases loaded to score JT Hoaby who lead off with a single, Matt Loegering who reached on an error on his sacrifice bunt and Brian Larson who beat out an infield hit.  The White Caps had broken a 2 ’ 2 tie in the 4th with 3 runs when they had 4 hits in a row with 2 outs.  Ryan Michaelis and Justin Haag singled, which brought Dave Burkholder to the plate, who hit a double into the right-center gap to score Michaelis and Haag.  JT Hoaby then singled to score Burkholder.  Krick, Michaelis, Burkholder, Brian Larson and Micah Loegering all had 2 hits while Haag and Hoaby each had 3 hits.
Michaelis recorded the win going 7 innings, giving up 2 earned runs on 3 hits, 6 walks and striking out 6.  Josh Daiker pitched a scoreless 8th and Matt Loegering got the save by not allowing a base runner in the 9th and recording 2 strikeouts.